from k1lib.imports import *
Purpose is to plot electron cloud orbitals around a simple hydrogen atom using spherical harmonic equations. I've longed to produce these plots by myself. Now it's finally here, and it's glorious.
Eqns taken from
Quick recap is that assuming we can divide our wave function like so: $\psi_{n,l,m}(r,\theta,\phi)=R_{n,l}(r)y^m_l(\theta,\phi)$, where $n, l, m$ are quantum numbers. Vary these numbers to get different differential equations, and solve them to get the full wave function $\psi$.
from math import pi; from torch import sin, cos
r2 = lambda x: x**0.5; e = lambda x: math.e**x
pi2 = 2*pi; pi4 = 4*pi; ep0 = 8.85418782e-12
h = 6.62607015e-34; hbar = h/pi2
me = 9.1093837e-31; qe = 1.60217663e-19
a0 = (pi4*ep0*hbar**2)/(me*qe**2)
tensor = torch.tensor
def y(m, l):
if l == 0: return lambda theta, phi: 0.5/r2(pi)
elif l == 1:
if m == -1: return lambda theta, phi: 0.5*r2(3/pi2)*e(-1j*phi)*sin(theta)
elif m == 0: return lambda theta, phi: 0.5*r2(3/pi)*cos(theta)
elif m == 1: return lambda theta, phi: -0.5*r2(3/pi2)*e(1j*phi)*sin(theta)
elif l == 2:
if m == -2: return lambda theta, phi: 0.25*r2(15/pi2)*e(-2j*phi)*sin(theta)**2
elif m == -1: return lambda theta, phi: 0.5 *r2(15/pi2)*e(-1j*phi)*sin(theta)*cos(theta)
elif m == 0: return lambda theta, phi: 0.25*r2(5/pi)*(3*cos(theta)**2-1)
elif m == 1: return lambda theta, phi: -0.5 *r2(15/pi2)*e(1j*phi)*sin(theta)*cos(theta)
elif m == 2: return lambda theta, phi: 0.25*r2(15/pi2)*e(2j*phi)*sin(theta)**2
elif l == 3:
if m == -3: return lambda theta, phi: 0.125*r2(35/pi)*e(-3j*phi)*sin(theta)**3
elif m == -2: return lambda theta, phi: 0.25*r2(105/pi2)*e(-2j*phi)*sin(theta)**2*cos(theta)
elif m == -1: return lambda theta, phi: 0.125*r2(21/pi)*e(-1j*phi)*sin(theta)*(5*cos(theta)**2-1)
elif m == 0: return lambda theta, phi: 0.25*r2(7/pi)*(5*cos(theta)**3-3*cos(theta))
elif m == 1: return lambda theta, phi: -0.125*r2(21/pi)*e(1j*phi)*sin(theta)*(5*cos(theta)**2-1)
elif m == 2: return lambda theta, phi: 0.25*r2(105/pi2)*e(2j*phi)*sin(theta)**2*cos(theta)
elif m == 3: return lambda theta, phi: -0.125*r2(35/pi)*e(3j*phi)*sin(theta)**3
def R(n, l, Z=1, a0=a0):
if n == 1 and l == 0:
return lambda r: 2*(Z/a0)**1.5*e(-Z*r/a0)
elif n == 2 and l == 0:
return lambda r: 1/r2(8)*(Z/a0)**1.5*(2-Z*r/a0)*e(-Z*r/(2*a0))
elif n == 2 and l == 1:
return lambda r: 1/r2(24)*(Z/a0)**1.5*(2*Z*r/a0)*e(-Z*r/(2*a0))
def psi(n, l, m, Z=1, a0=a0):
_y = y(m, l); _R = R(n, l)
return lambda r, theta, phi: _y(theta, phi)*_R(r)
p = psi(2, 1, 0)
p(tensor(1e-9), tensor(1), tensor(2))
def psii(n, l, m, Z=1, a0=a0):
_y = y(m, l); return lambda r, theta, phi: _y(theta, phi)/(r**n)
def gen(bounds=4e-10, n=50, p=psi(2, 1, 0), scales=[1, 1, 1]):
sx, sy, sz = scales
x = torch.linspace(-bounds*sx, bounds*sx, n)[:, None, None].expand(n, n, n)
y = torch.linspace(-bounds*sy, bounds*sy, n)[None, :, None].expand(n, n, n)
z = torch.linspace(-bounds*sz, bounds*sz, n)[None, None, :].expand(n, n, n)
xyProj = r2(x**2+y**2); radius = r2(x**2+y**2+z**2)
theta = torch.arcsin(xyProj/radius); phi = torch.arccos(x/xyProj)
return abs(p(radius, theta, phi))**2
def plot(p=psi(2, 1, 0), offset=0, bounds=4e-10, n=50, scales=[1, 1, 1]):
heatmap = gen(bounds, n, p, scales); mean = heatmap.mean()
std = torch.tensor(heatmap.reshape([n**3]) | op().item().all() | sort(None) | filt(op() != inf) | toList()).std()
plt.k3d(8).march(heatmap.numpy(), mean + std*offset, edgecolor=[1, 0, 0, 0.05]);
Lowest electron energy state
plot(psi(1, 0, 0));
This looks like a pi orbital:
plot(psi(2, 1, 0));
These look like donuts:
plot(psi(2, 1, 1));
This appears to be a duplicate of the one above, because they're degenerate states!
plot(psi(2, 1, -1));
And this is the simple spherical case, but just higher in energy
plot(psi(2, 0, 0));
Because R's formulas are kinda hard to find, and I saw some sites only publish graphs with just Y only, so here goes. Actually, now I'm dividing everything by r, because without it, there's no way to control scales to your will so that it displays nicely.
s orbital:
plot(psii(1, 0, 0))
P-z orbital:
plot(psii(1.2, 1, 0))
P-x and P-y orbitals:
plot(psii(1, 1, 1))
d orbitals:
plot(psii(1.5, 2, 0))
plot(psii(1, 2, 1))
plot(psii(1.1, 2, 2))
plot(psii(1.5, 3, 0))
# thumbnail
plot(psii(1.1, 3, 1))
plot(psii(1, 3, 2))
plot(psii(1.2, 3, 3))
Damn, these are quite beautiful. And they do match with other sources.