

mlexps is essentially a collection of jupyter notebooks conducting machine learning experiments (hence the name), with a focus on exploring strange setups, pushing neural networks to the breaking point (and thus revealing their weaknesses), demystifying them and discussing what can be improved.

The motivation

Neural networks are quite mysterious beasts. They converge most of the time, until they don't. On some datasets, they do wonders and on others, they fall far behind stuff like XGBoost or just straight up can't learn. What is the typical solution when one get stuck? Read up on the literature, try out a bunch of things like lowering the learning rate, changing network's size, using a different optimizer, etc. Basically, relying on luck. In my view, this is completely unacceptable.

There need to be a clear, first-principles approach to figuring out why something failed. Why did my electronic circuit fail? Let's run a quick simulation, grab the voltages, an oscilloscope, cross check and figure out what went wrong. Why did my liquid rocket engine explode? Let's grab the chamber pressure measurements, see if there is a green flash indicating liquid copper or not, and rerun CFD workflows.

Likewise, why aren't people intercepting gradient flows (a lot of analysis around function-9-linear-vs-skip), see if they're abnormally small or large. If someone did it earlier, Kaiming initilization would have been discovered a lot sooner. Why aren't people trying to create a bunch of networks with different hyperparameters, comparing performance and fit simple equations describing relationships between hyperparams. If people do this more often, EfficientNet and natural language scaling laws could have been discovered earlier.

Basically, lots of avenues, tiny unit tests and analysis techniques that would be very valuable in debugging your networks, and yet most people rely on luck. Hopefully, this will change soon, and these are my jupyter notebooks to hope drive that change.

Besides strange tests, I also experimented on a lot of architectures here, from classical ones like MLP and CNNs, to GANs, VAEs, ViTs, Transformers, YOLO, graph networks, collaborative filtering and diffusion models. I'd say it's pretty diverse. Over time, I explored a lot more topics than just deep learning alone. This includes bioinformatics, molecular biology, quantum chemistry, signal processing, electrical engineering, benchmarking, search engines, economy and population simulations. I'm just really curious about how everything works.


These experiments usually heavily use k1lib, a library I made that streamlines a lot of the analysis. Features include isolating subnetwork, adding callbacks that execute at specific points in time, benchmarking tools (measures time complexity, memory footprint, etc.) and in general lots of quality-of-life tools. The cli submodule in particular is quite powerful, as you can transform high dimensional irregular data structures with relative ease. All of these notebooks are unit-tested for the latest version of the library, to ensure consistency.

They also use k1a. This provides significant acceleration to k1lib by compiling hot code down to C.

Site last compiled time: N/A
Compiled with k1lib version: N/A
Compiled with k1a version: N/A
Total notebooks: N/A

If what you're looking after is figuring out how PyTorch is implemented underneath, a while ago I made these posts. More information about myself can be found here. Feel free to reach out regarding anything.

Interactive demos

Some notebooks have an interactive demo builtin that allows you to quickly explore what that notebook is doing all inside a browser, so this is a collection of all of them. Sometimes the server goes down, so I made a separate page tracking whether the demos are up or not

Sections summary


I started out with "function" section, in which I just want to grasp the basics of how to build these networks, how to scale them, how they behave, how to debug them and whatnot. Then, I experimented a lot with CNNs, in sections such as "imagenet", "yolo", "gan", "celeb-a" and "sas-4". After that, I also experimented with attention, ViTs transformers, in sections like "imagenet", "blender", "char-rnn" and "lm". Section "char-rnn" includes some of my earliest work, and "lm" the latest work, with a lot of advanced experiments on text. Meanwhile, I was working on non-DL-related content, particularly chemistry and biology related (sections "mo", "uv-vis", "genome", "chem"), and did a lot of benchmarks in section "other". A quick timeline of all sections and notebooks:
The vertical line you see near the end of 2022 was when I started tracking the history of all notebooks, after running integration tests on them and having to change minor things. but just changing something minor will change the last updated time, which effectively erases history. I realized this and built a system to track them, but the damage was done, hence the thick line.


These are all datasets that are used, with some scouting/filtering notebooks and loading/training notebooks available for each dataset, to navigate notebooks faster. Some of these are datasets I collect on my own, and have not setup a system where you can just download it. Contact me at if you want them.

Dataset name Type/description Filtering notebooks Loading notebooks External docs
imagenet Image classification imagenet/2-filtering imagenet/3-vanilla, gan/8-progressive-deepening
yolo Bounding box detection yolo/1-scout
mnist Image classification gan/3-mnist-vae
Best artworks Images by famous artists gan/4-style-transfer gan/4-style-transfer Kaggle website
Celeb A Images of famous people celeb-a/1-scout celeb-a/3-lossF
Names in different languages Text classification char-rnn/1-preprocess char-rnn/3-vanilla PyTorch docs
AG-NEWS Paragraph classification lm/1-db-scout lm/2-classification-bow PyTorch docs
movielens Recommender systems movielens/1-scout movielens/2-memory
(self curated) protein structures mmCIF structures mo/5-filtering mo/7-dist-matrix-recon
Gene ontology Knowledge graph genome/5-gene-ontology genome/5-gene-ontology
Sequence ontology Knowledge graph genome/6-sequence-ontology genome/6-sequence-ontology
Cora Graph dataset graph-nn/2-cora
Wikidata Knowledge graph other/13-wikidata

Capabilities achieved

These are a list of capabilities/goals achieved on the specific notebook.

Notebook Description
function/1-bs-loss Fit predefined function
imagenet/3-vanilla Image classification
imagenet/7-tsne t-SNE transformation
gan/4-style-transfer Style transfer
gan/7-denoising Image denoising
gan/8-progressive-deepening Progressive deepening
gan/9-vae-interface Image generation
celeb-a/3-lossF Contrastive learning
sas4/2-reconstruct-scene 2d scene reconstruction
char-rnn/3-vanilla Word classification using attention
lm/2-classification-bow Paragraph classification
lm/3-embedding Word embeddings
movielens/2-memory Recommender systems
mo/6-dist-matrix-recon 3d structure reconstruction given distogram
chem/1-titration Titration simulation
other/2-circuits Circuit simulation
other/13-wikidata Building search index
other/18-page-rank Ranking pages

Foundational/impressive notebooks

These are a list of important/impressive/information-dense notebooks, categorized into multiple types:
  • Insight: really explores certain aspects of deep learning. Some provides really deep insights into things
  • Correlation: try to deviate some hyperparameter, see the resulting performance, like scaling laws
  • Grid scan: kinda like correlation, but more complicated/tests multiple hyperparameters at the same time
  • Search interface: includes interactive interfaces that can search for a variety of data types
Notebook Type Description
function/11-skip-really-deep Insight Very complex dynamics in super deep networks captured and analyzed
function/19-cripple Insight Cripples/attenuates network in the middle, see what happens
function/20-missing-chunks Insight Sometimes throw out entire layers, see if bypass completely
function/21-freeze-subnetwork Insight Freeze parts of the network, see if it can still extract signals
gan/2-function-vae Insight/grid scan Compression efficiency of variational autoencoders
gan/6-multi-agent Insight Tries to have multiple critics going against 1 generator in a GAN
gan/8-progressive-deepening Insight Tries to speed up training by slowly increasing input image resolution
gan/9-vae-interface Insight Controls a VAE, and built an interface to communicate with pretrained network
gan/10-vae-features Insight Tries to use a pretrained Vae
celeb-a/3-lossF Insight Solving unbalanced loss in face recognition
lm/2-classification-bow Insight Paragraph type classification using bag of words
rl-intro/6-temporal-difference Insight Temporal diference vs monte carlo
rl-intro/7-eligibility-traces Insight/grid scan Multiple lambdas for $$$TD(\lambda)$$$
mo/3-cif-visualize Insight Scouts and visualize covid spike protein
mo/8-dist-matrix-recon-2 Insight Reconstructs 3d structure from distogram
other/2-circuits Insight How to avoid infinities in circuit simulations
function/7-deep-vs-shallow Correlation How long can MLP be? (30)
function/18-dataset-size Correlation How small can datasets be? (20 samples)
imagenet/6-bn-conv-relu-order Correlation What is the correct ordering of batch norm, convolution and relu? (CRB)
imagenet/13-double-descent Correlation Network's performance vs model size
other/7-nyquist-sampling Correlation Good audio sampling factor
other/9-request-throughput Correlation Webserver throughput
other/11-sql-throughput Correlation Sql server throughput
other/19-image-loading-throughput Correlation How to best load images from disk for training
function/13-skip-wide-depth Grid scan Width-depth tradeoff
imagenet/4-sizing Grid scan Scaling laws for network width
char-rnn/4-correction-factor Grid scan Post softmax attention correction factor
char-rnn/5-attn-sizing Grid scan Width-depth tradeoff
char-rnn/6-attn-head Grid scan How many attention heads are good?
movielens/3-k-means Grid scan k-means under increasing noise
genome/5-gene-ontology Search interface Gene ontology search
genome/6-sequence-ontology Search interface Sequence ontology search
other/13-wikidata Search interface Wikidata knowledge graph